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Trevor Wright

1962-1963 / NZBTI Diploma (Henderson Campus)

What did attending BTI in 1962-63 do for me? Nothing! It is God Who does! And He did! As always.

He called me in a way where there was no question. That is always a warning signal!

This shy country boy who had a real relationship with his Saviour for as long as he was aware, had already experienced what comes when Jesus says, “If you want to follow Me, take up your cross, and follow.” This boy was aware life would be a bit more than challenging from the beginning, and then BTI was too. Much of life since has also been in that vein, and He has always been there, challenging, coaxing, forgiving, strengthening, rebuilding, surprising, so that others might get to know Him, also in a real way.

Below is a photo of the “Wayward W’s” – a group of men with surnames starting with W: Wallace, Wilkins, Wilson, Wood and Wright. None of us were very academic, and mostly practical, so we were often seen in an “awkward” light! After all, Greek was for the greeks! Jesus was for each of us! The greeks did not do much for us and Jesus did it all!


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