1990-1992 / BCNZ Diploma (Henderson Campus)
Highlights from my time at BCNZ: making friends – this resulted in a network which still exists today, albeit in smaller numbers; duties together; being introduced to evangelical study; and Spiritual Formation classes with Sheila Pritchard.
I gained understanding of the Bible’s content and story, which I was missing prior to attending BCNZ, and learned what resources were available for my own study since BCNZ. I also learned about prayer partners.
Since BCNZ I worked in offices, moved to Christchurch, got married, had two children, and have attended local churches. I joined Ellel Ministries Aotearoa New Zealand, where I currently minister in inner healing prayer ministry. I’m a housewife and work with my self-employed husband.
I’m grateful to God for not abandoning me in the mess my life was, and for His faithfulness.