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Ruth Thrower (née Beckett)

1961-1962 / NZBTI Diploma (Henderson Campus)

I attended Young People’s Missionary Fellowship (YPMF) at BTI, Queen St in the 1950s, and spent 1961-1962 at BTI in Lincoln Road, Henderson. I recall 200 students in the dining room singing grace, unaccompanied – wonderful. I remember Rev. Frank England’s prayers – he wrote them out whenever leading a meeting. I appreciated being taught the Bible by godly men, who encouraged me in my preparation for missionary work. I enjoyed fellowship with students from all denominations.

After BTI, in 1963-1964 I completed midwifery training and did some tutoring. 1965 took me to Singapore with OMF. I was called to work with Tamil people and was designated to Tamil churches - first Anglican then Methodist - for training Sunday School teachers, and women’s work, in Malaysia. In 1977 I moved to India to help retired missionaries, and married their son, Irwin Thrower. Our daughter Christy was born in 1978 at Vellore hospital. In 1980 we returned to NZ on account of medical problems. I worked part time in the OMF bookshop, and as a diversional therapist at Elmwood, then for 17 years as a receptionist for Dr John Upsdell, ex-OMF from Thailand.

I am currently living in Katikati in a granny flat with my daughter and son-in-law, Vance Bibby, their children, Jack (7), Eme (5), and helping with washing and ironing. Irwin went to be with the Lord in 2017.

I am grateful for some special friends from BCNZ. Judi Arnold, Gloria Gibbs and I sang trios, and they supported me along with others around New Zealand, and from my home church (Greenlane Presbyterian), by prayer and finance while overseas. I’m also grateful for the Lord's faithfulness, the blessing of experiencing him at work in the Tamil church, and here in New Zealand.


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