1972-1973 / NZBTI Diploma (Henderson Campus)

As I remember, afternoons were mostly for study - until there was a hockey championship and we had to prepare for our team’s part in this! We actually won the C grade championship for Auckland hockey.
But once Monday comes around, my study hours were on the Principal’s desk. I was very shy and somewhat fearful about this. But the Principal, Mr Stewart, was concerned for my learning and not punishing me.
Some years later he visited me in India, and I took the opportunity to show him our neighbours at the Budiga village. Language need never block opportunity to show respect. A woman from this village asked us in for tea and biscuits. God was watching over us, no matter where these biscuits had been stored – need I say more! I simply learned to just do it and trust God in all things.
After study I did nursing at Greymouth hospital for one year and then went to the mission field of apple picking in Tasman Bay. God called me to India for four years. I was at Hebron school, responsible for six Standard 3 girls. It was such a blessing. Doing Bible in Schools at Bible College helped me when it came to relieving teachers when they were sick. Many people skills were needed. Following my return to New Zealand, I completed my comprehensive nursing and specialised in Gerontology for about 14 years.
I’m now retired, enjoying life at Archer Thorrington Village in Christchurch where opportunities abound. I’m grateful for God's love and faithfulness. I'm enjoying the Making Disciples course at my local church. I find something new most days where God speaks through His word.