2018-2020 / Graduate Diploma in Theology (Distance Learning)

Coming back to formal education after so many years away was such an eye opener. I studied part-time distance learning, on top of a national role, a husband with four children and with many commitments to the church I attended. Personal issues and commitments really stretched me, and I quickly opted to switch to study only one paper in the second semester. The craziest time was submitting a paper in summer school at midnight, New Year’s Eve!
I don't want it to sound like a bind, as it was fun and enlightening to study as an adult. I really enjoyed the interaction online with other students, and deep diving into theology and biblical interpretation. As a former History and Sociology graduate, I enjoyed the historical paper around Israel at the time of Jesus. My lightbulb moment was discovering that not only Jesus was mentioned in ancient writings outside the Bible, but also John the Baptist and Pilate were!
The lecturers were knowledgeable, understanding and have helped me gain a deeper understanding of the scripture I live my life by. One day I may even go on and do the Masters.
I have now completed and presented four sermons at different churches!
I am currently part of a small house church in West Auckland, and trying to apply my learnings in practical ways. I’m grateful for learning that there are multiple ways to understand God's truth. I’m also grateful to Laidlaw for helping me find a way to fit the study in, around a very busy life!