1970-1972 / BCNZ Diploma, Diploma of Religious Education (MCD) (Henderson Campus)

From the beginning College felt like a taste of heaven. I was impressed, and delighted, with the other students and the atmosphere of the College. Studying the Bible all day every day was a privilege, particularly as the lecturers applied it to every day Christian living. One such example was Rob Kirkby, as he lectured through the Old Testament, showing how the statement 'God's Sovereignty and Man's responsibility' was basic Christian truth. That statement has stayed with me all my life and guided me in making decisions.
The importance of prayer, and God's blessing in response to prayer, was illustrated in many different ways. Days of Prayer were a feature of the College. Invariably at lunch time on the Day of Prayer the Principal, or one of the lecturers, would announce the generous financial gifts that had come in during that morning. Once again God had blessed and answered our prayers.
After College, and marriage to Warren Payne, we were accepted by the Overseas Missionary Fellowship (OMF International). We left NZ in 1974, spending three months in Singapore at the Orientation course. In April we went on to Japan as church planters and in leadership. In 2000 we returned to NZ, serving on the home side. Warren was OMF NZ Director, and in Diaspora Ministry.
We are now retired and living in Orewa.
I am extremely grateful to God for the wonderful privilege of having three years full time at College, and being given a foundational understanding of God's Word and Christian living. I am very grateful for being called by Him to serve in missions, cross culturally, overseas, and being blessed by Him in many many ways. We have lived and experienced Romans 8:28 in a variety of ways and places. I cannot help but thank Him for His blessings.