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Diana Hamilton

1990-91, 1993 / Diploma in Theology (ACT)

I was a student in 1990, ‘91 and ‘93... so I missed being capped in 1992! From 1990-1996 my West Auckland house was rented by different married students. I used to go home and mow my lawns after Friday College chores, which was very handy.

I thought my years at BCNZ were the most enjoyable years of my life. In 1992 I damaged a disc in my spine and did a month’s lectures and assignments flat on my stomach on the concrete floor. Fortunately it was February and not too cold.

I absorbed every bit of theology I could get. I just loved all the morning worship times and the faculty’s brief sermons.

Unexpectedly at the end of 1994 the minister of my mother's church received a call to another parish and invited me to fill the gap his departure would leave. He had allowed me to do preaching practice and pastoral care hours during my holidays, and during 1992 when I was seeking to earn enough income for another year's study in 1993. Knowing me already, the Parish Council happily agreed. However, it was a Uniting Parish and that year the Methodist Superintendent was the oversight. He called me for an interview and asked me lots of questions regarding the theology of baptism – he seemed to approve my answers. When that year ended he placed me in a country parish, where I was very happy as I met people I had gone to boarding school with.

I later did a further four years at my mother's church. In both parishes I had two separate congregations - one of which was the second oldest church in the north where my grandmother had once played the organ. I have no doubt that my ancestors turned in their graves at the thought of a woman, even a relative, being in the pulpit. These years were unexpected, challenging, but very happy years.

I remember signing a mission’s card AAA = ‘anything, anywhere, anytime’. God took me at my word. The year immediately following BCNZ I worked in an Anglican City Mission home for sexually abused girls. This was the worst year of my life. A privilege, but the most draining year ever.

Now, I am very retired! I’m grateful for God’s absolutely amazing provisions in every area of my life.

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