1992-1994 / Bachelor of Ministries (Henderson Campus)

I remember Spiritual Formation being a new thing at BCNZ – it was great!
At that time the division into men's and women's sides was beginning to seem a little antiquated. Plans for new buildings and selling the orchard were underway – in retrospect, we sat on the cusp of change. As Student President, I sat in on Board meetings and had some glimpses of what might lie ahead, but none of that got in the way of our 1992 intake being one of the largest groups BCNZ ever knew... such wonderful times for us as students!
I thought maybe I would go to college for a year or two and then return to my previous work life, better equipped for marketplace ministry. Instead, I stayed for three years and went on to Anglican ordination. Quite a change!
After my BCNZ studies I spent 18 months at St John's College before being ordained. This was followed by a mixture of work in parish ministry and NZ Defence Chaplaincy. I also trained as a Spiritual Director, and have continued with that ministry alongside whatever else I’ve been called to at the time.
I am currently drawing to a close my latest stint with NZDF as a Principal Chaplain, and from mid-2022 I will be stepping into the role of Dean of Waiapu Cathedral in Napier.
I’m grateful to God for only revealing one step to me at a time!