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Clare Knowles (née Stirling)

2010-2014 / Graduate Diploma in Theology, Master of Theology (Henderson campus)

Doing my MTh with a cohort of other awesome students was fun and such a blessing. We were all assigned offices in the “old” Blaiklock Centre – lots of theological discussions took place in those musty old hallways (and a bit of mischief)! Having the moral support of fellow postgrads made all the difference to getting through. The same applies to my PhD journey, with office space in the “new” Blaiklock Centre and a community of emerging scholars to grow with, commiserate with, and celebrate with.

A highlight during my MTh was taking a paper with Dr Dirk Jongkind (Cambridge University; Tyndale House) and being introduced to two twelfth century Greek Gospel manuscripts in the Sir George Grey Special Collection at the Auckland Central Library.

I have also had amazing opportunities to teach Greek and Hebrew to some great students, for which I'm very grateful!

There's no shortcut to the deep learning that occurs over years of intensive study and conversations as part of a community like this. And because it all takes time, it can be hard to identify the changes that have taken place. One of the most significant ways I've been shaped over the years through my time at college is that God has developed in me a more expansive view of the Bible and the way he has guided the process of writing, rewriting, transmission, and translation... I guess it shouldn't surprise those of us who believe in the incarnation that God has also chosen to work in very human ways to speak to us through his written word.

After my MTh I went on to train as a translation consultant with Bible Society New Zealand and the United Bible Societies, and to complete my PhD in Old Greek Isaiah. I've remained part of the Laidlaw postgrad community throughout that time.

I’m currently working as Translations Coordinator with Bible Society New Zealand, supporting Bible translation projects here in New Zealand and overseas. I also serve as Managing Editor of UBS's academic journal, The Bible Translator.

I am grateful for the time and space to grow and learn – academically and spiritually, for the two go hand in hand. Key to this growth and learning are the long-lasting friendships I have made with both staff and students. I think especially of my supervisors Phil Church (for my MTh) and Tim Meadowcroft (for my PhD). I'm grateful to God (and Laidlaw) for the fostering of a supportive community of fellow PhD/Masters students in the Blaiklock Centre. I'm grateful for the encouragement and very tangible support I've found in Laidlaw as I've pursued higher education to follow God's call on my life.

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