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Chris Starrrenburg

1998-2000 / Bachelor of Ministries (Henderson campus)

I attended BCNZ after many years of lay leadership feeling the need to deepen my theological and Biblical understanding. I remember my time at BZNZ with fondness as it provided an opportunity to interact with fellow students as well as teaching staff.

I do remember one of the lecturers say that, for many, initially starting at BCNZ could be difficult as it often involves a process of unlearning (deconstructing) some of the things learned in the past. However, this is always with the aim of helping students learn new things and deepen their faith, not to destroy their faith. Observing my fellow students, I think this was the case for many of us. Having listened to many sermons in churches over the years, some good, some not so good, this was one of the things I needed to work through. In the process I did end up with a deeper faith, able to live with questions about faith, and a willingness to look at, and be enriched by teaching from other streams of the church.

I remember Church History and Stuart Lange being the fastest speaking lecturer on campus. Or David Crawley teaching on the Gospel of Luke, the Gospel of reversal. Unfortunately, I have to admit that I remember nothing from my Greek or Hebrew introduction classes, but I guess I won't be the only one who has that experience.

My time at college equipped me to continue to serve in church leadership.

After finishing BCNZ I went on to the University of Auckland to do a MEd (Counselling) and after that I did a Professional Diploma in Accountancy at Unitec. I worked for several years as a counsellor at CADS and in private practice, before moving into administration and accountancy roles. These later roles helped pay the bills better then counselling. In July 2022 I returned to what is now Laidlaw to do a Postgraduate Diploma in Theology. I am looking forward to the ongoing deepening of my theological understanding with the desire that it will help me to live more fully for Christ.

I am currently working as the administrator at Eden Community Church. I am involved in Church Unlimited, attending a small group and helping provide pastoral support.

I am thankful to God for the way He has continued to lead me, challenge me, help me grow and always shown His love for me.


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