1958-1959 / NZBTI Diploma (Queen Street Campus)
The two years I had at NZBTI were some of the most formative years of my life. I thoroughly enjoyed the ministries of the staff and made lasting friends among the students. I remember John Deane's wisdom, especially his grasp of the Greek New Testament; Frank England, who patiently took me through the conjugations and declensions of Greek; Les Rushbrook's very practical spirituality; Cecil Boggis, who took us through Church History and gave me a taste for history that has lasted to this day.
There were some amusing moments - such as my Ginger Beer. I made a potent brew and the only place to store it was under my bed. Unfortunately, there was a crack in the concrete floor. More unfortunately, my room was above the lecture room. And even more unfortunately, a bottle cracked and my ginger beer dripped through into the lecture room! I wasn't worried about the mess on that floor – I was more upset about losing half my brew.
The discipline of a daily quiet time was one of the lasting benefits of BTI. It has moulded me more than anything else. The friendship and example of other students and the staff have really shaped my life.
I went on to Victoria University of Wellington and graduated with a BA in History. Then on to Knox College Dunedin, where I studied for the Presbyterian ministry. I had parishes in Southland, the Wairarapa, Lower Hutt, Blenheim, and back to Invercargill.
I'm retired, still a Presbyterian, married to a Baptist and attending a local Anglican Church. I preach occasionally and I'm involved in elder pastoral care.
I am deeply grateful for God's amazing grace especially when I needed it most.