1979-1981 / Three year College diploma (Henderson Campus)

My memories of my years at BCNZ:
Hours of study!
Critical thinking, especially for theology after (easier) nursing study
Church history made lighter with Mr Glen
Being College Nurse during an outbreak of a gastric bug (1980), when I had to forgo my own study, and fear of failure!
Coded messages from the Student lounge
Fun in the courtyard, especially after Senior Students were elected... Kerry Pascoe and Paddy O'Rouke were ring-leaders!
Learning to accept help and finances from others
Volleyball in the courtyard with the lecturers after lunch
A tiny room became my home
Fellowship in the common room
Spying on 'pairs' in the orchard!
Time in family flats
Women dressing up as nuns while guys waited for dinner in the dining room; guys reciprocated later with dinner jackets
Seeing my clothing donations to the College Op Shop displayed on another 'model'
Learning from Bev Alley that the body is just a shell
Deep encounters with my Beloved
I'd planned to attend Faith Bible College in Tauranga, knowing it was only for four months. Father God had other plans; three years later I graduated from BCNZ (now Laidlaw)!
My theology, as a believer since an early age, was pulled apart. That's a good thing, as I discovered He had a bigger plan for my life.
My first overseas trip was alone on a missions trip to Papua New Guinea for six weeks immediately post College, when two others dropped out at the last minute.
I relocated to Wellington, becoming involved in pastoral work (Miramar Christian Centre from 1982-87); Industrial Mission with ITIM (Wellington CBD from 1987-91); many varied administration and nursing ventures; business study at Lifeway College (Snells Beach, 2007-8); overseas travel including ITIM study on redundancy (1988) and six months volunteering in Israel (2016-17). I facilitated Refreshing workshops for women (Wellington & Hamilton); facilitated a small retreat house at Clandon, Hamilton (2010-13); and have been writing books.
Writing and expressing the creativity the Creator of the Universe has been placed within my DNA. See www.barbaraharry.co.nz, and a write-up in Laidlaw’s alumni newsletter, October 2021.
My God Yahweh is much bigger than theology and thinking... and invites me into a deepening personal relationship lasting for eternity, despite exam results! He's always faithful and good, despite how I feel. The best is yet to come.