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Barbara Harry

1979-1981 / Three year College diploma (Henderson Campus)

My memories of my years at BCNZ:

  • Hours of study!

  • Critical thinking, especially for theology after (easier) nursing study

  • Church history made lighter with Mr Glen

  • Being College Nurse during an outbreak of a gastric bug (1980), when I had to forgo my own study, and fear of failure!

  • Coded messages from the Student lounge

  • Fun in the courtyard, especially after Senior Students were elected... Kerry Pascoe and Paddy O'Rouke were ring-leaders!

  • Learning to accept help and finances from others

  • Volleyball in the courtyard with the lecturers after lunch

  • A tiny room became my home

  • Fellowship in the common room

  • Spying on 'pairs' in the orchard!

  • Time in family flats

  • Women dressing up as nuns while guys waited for dinner in the dining room; guys reciprocated later with dinner jackets

  • Seeing my clothing donations to the College Op Shop displayed on another 'model'

  • Learning from Bev Alley that the body is just a shell

  • Deep encounters with my Beloved

I'd planned to attend Faith Bible College in Tauranga, knowing it was only for four months. Father God had other plans; three years later I graduated from BCNZ (now Laidlaw)!

My theology, as a believer since an early age, was pulled apart. That's a good thing, as I discovered He had a bigger plan for my life.

My first overseas trip was alone on a missions trip to Papua New Guinea for six weeks immediately post College, when two others dropped out at the last minute.

I relocated to Wellington, becoming involved in pastoral work (Miramar Christian Centre from 1982-87); Industrial Mission with ITIM (Wellington CBD from 1987-91); many varied administration and nursing ventures; business study at Lifeway College (Snells Beach, 2007-8); overseas travel including ITIM study on redundancy (1988) and six months volunteering in Israel (2016-17). I facilitated Refreshing workshops for women (Wellington & Hamilton); facilitated a small retreat house at Clandon, Hamilton (2010-13); and have been writing books.

Writing and expressing the creativity the Creator of the Universe has been placed within my DNA. See, and a write-up in Laidlaw’s alumni newsletter, October 2021.

My God Yahweh is much bigger than theology and thinking... and invites me into a deepening personal relationship lasting for eternity, despite exam results! He's always faithful and good, despite how I feel. The best is yet to come.


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