In September 2010, Dr Rod Thompson was appointed National Principal and led the College into its next phase of strengthening and growth. The Bachelor of Counselling degree was offered in Christchurch from 2012, and a small Manukau campus established in 2014. Decreasing demand for residential living led to the closure of the Henderson Halls of Residence in 2014. A new partnership with Equippers College to deliver the College’s internship programme began in 2015.
Dr Rod Thompson’s return to Australia in 2015, led to a co-chairing of leadership in 2016 by Dr Stephen Garner and Nigel Smith. In February 2017 Dr Roshan Allpress began as National Principal/CEO of the College. In late 2019, the College received approval from the Teachers’ Council and NZQA to offer the Bachelor of Education (Primary) and a Graduate Diploma in Education (Secondary). That same year the Laidlaw College Foundation purchased a site from the Auckland Council for a new campus in central Henderson.

Past principals
College receives NZQA accreditation to offer a Bachelor of Counselling degree.
Dr Rod Thompson appointed as Principal.
Manukau Campus opens in July 2014.
First Indigenous Theology track in the Laidlaw Graduate Diploma in Theology delivered.
Dr Stephen Garner and Nigel Smith lead the College as
Co-Chairs of the Senior Leadership Team.

Manukau Campus
Printing and publishing of BTI was done by Scott & Scott Ltd from early days; on death of senior partner in 1944, the plant and goodwill of the business was purchased by NZBTI for the sum of 2,900 pounds
Expanding Horizons pg 111

Cultural Night 2019
Dr Roshan Allpress begins as National Principal/CEO on 1 February 2017.
Pasifika Council established.
Land and buildings purchased for new campus in downtown Henderson.
First students enrolled in new Graduate Diploma in Education (Secondary) and Bachelor of Education (Primary).
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